WBHO Construction invites experienced EME and QSE sub-contractors to a tender briefing session for Contract N.002-145-2012/1 for the IMPROVEMENT OF NATIONAL ROUTE N2 SECTIONS 14 & 15 FROM GREEN RIVER (KM 60.5) TO BUFFALO RIVER BRIDGE (km 3.2) on behalf of the South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL). This project is in the province of the Eastern Cape and in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality.
Preferences are offered to prospective tenderers from the targeted areas, namely the Qonce Area and Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. The targeted Designated Group ownership for these subcontracts is indicated in the table below:
Package description | Work Package Number |
Targeted Enterprises greater than 51% ownership by Black People |
Hire of Portable Toilets | N.002-145-2012/1-SC02 | All Targeted Enterprises |
Employment Medicals | N.002-145-2012/1-SC06 | All Targeted Enterprises |
These tenders will be evaluated in terms of functionality as a criterion and the price and preference points system.
Tenderers who satisfy the following criteria are eligible to submit tenders:
a) B-BBEE Level 1 or 2 contributor.
b) Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) or Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE).
c) Registered on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD).
An award will only be made to preferred Tenderers that are:
d) Compliant with the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COID); and e) Tax Compliant.
Note: The Tenderer should not be a member of the PLC, or an employee of or affiliated to any Municipal or Government Department. Sub-contractors are required for the following subcontracts:
Table 1 – List of Packages, information briefing and Tender closing dates:
Package description |
Work Package Number | No. of Packages available |
Targeted CIDB Grades | Booking for information briefing will start on the below dates | Information Briefing Venue | Closing Date & Time |
Hire of Portable Toilets | N.002-145-2012/1-SC02 | 1 | N/A | 21/02/2022 @10:00 | 11 Hargreaves Ave, King Williams Town | 08/03/2022 @ 12:00 |
Employment Medicals | N.002-145-2012/1-SC06 | 1 | N/A | 2102/2022 @10:00 | 11 Hargreaves Ave, King Williams Town | 08/03/2022 @ 12:00 |
Note to Tenderers:
a) WBHO Construction will reserve the right to negotiate feasible rates with the preferred tenderers if necessary.
b) Tenderers may submit tenders for all sub-contracts in this Tender Notice, but only 1 (one) subcontract will be let per preferred Tenderer at any one time for this project.
Prospective tenderers must pre-book for the clarification briefing and training session, due to venue size limitations. A request for a clarification briefing and training session date and time is to be sent to the following address: N2greenriver@gmail.com / Cell: 083 399 1197.
Tender documents will be made available at the information briefing in the form of a CD. The CD will contain an electronic copy of the tender document, in PDF format. Only the documents within the folder named “Returnable Document” must be printed, bound and completed with all the relevant supporting documents attached.
Tenderers must be represented at the information briefing meeting by a representative who must be the Tenderer himself or an authorised person in the direct employment of the Tenderer. Kindly note that clarification briefings are not compulsory due to Covid 19 regulations.
The tender and supporting documents shall be sealed in an envelope and clearly marked:
SUB-CONTRACT SANRAL N.002-145-2012/1 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF NATIONAL ROUTE N2 SECTIONS 14 & 15 FROM GREEN RIVER (KM 60.5) TO BUFFALO RIVER BRIDGE (km 3.2) (” the name of work package and number) and shall be delivered by hand to WBHO offices, 11 Hargreaves Ave, King Williams Town at 12:00 on Tuesday, 08 March 2022.
Note: Telephonic, telegraphic, telex, facsimile, e-mailed or electronic applications will not be accepted.
The Tender Documentation for all packages in this Tender Notice shall reach the stipulated address no later than 12h00 on Tuesday, 08 March 2022.
Queries relating to issues arising from this document may be addressed to:
Contact: Nceba Sgwentu
Tel No: 083 399 1197
e-mail: n2greenriver@gmail.com